About Us 🐷

My name is Laney, and Morty is my pig!
Ever since elementary school, I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer. I earned my bachelor's degree in Fashion and Textile Product Development from North Carolina State University. I never imagined I would design clothing for piggies... until Morty came into my life! And there is nothing that I would rather be doing than this.
When I rescued Morty, I immediately fell in love with him! I found when I was shopping for him that there were no options for pet pig clothing. s not many options out there made specifically for pigs. When I realized Morty would not go outside in the winter, I made a sweater for him. I realized how much happier it made him, and that he would graze all day as long as he was wearing his sweater! I knew there must be other piggies out there experiencing the same thing, so I took a picture of Morty in his sweater, posted it on Etsy, and here we are!
I love seeing photos and hearing my customers' feedback in the reviews. It makes me so happy to know that we are providing warmth and happiness to pigs everywhere!